Easter Candy

The Worst Easter Candy for Your Teeth

April 6, 2017

By now, you’ve probably seen your local grocery store stocking up the holiday aisle with Easter goods. And everyone knows that Easter is one of the best holidays for the most horrible substance for your teeth. Yes, you guessed it – candy. Easter candy is loaded with sugar, which is obviously not ideal for keeping your mouth healthy. But have you ever wondered which types of candy is actually the most damaging to your teeth? For fun, we thought we’d share the worst candy types for your teeth. So as you dive into your Easter treat stash this year, choose wisely and keep your toothbrush close by. Here they are:

1). Sticky Candy: Sticky or gooey candy sticks to your teeth (no surprise there) and creeps into tiny crevices near your gums. Because it’s hard to remove, the sugar is harder to wash off and in turn, stays on your teeth longer. So take caution with things like taffy, tootsie rolls and caramels as these are some of the worst offenders for growing bacteria.

2). Hard Candy: Hard candy, like lollipops, stay in your mouth for a longer period of time. And the longer it’s in your mouth, the more you are exposed to harm. When choosing to snack on candy like this, it’s best to actually brush or floss right after to minimize potential damage. But beware, hard candy can also break your teeth (ouch).

3). Sour Candy: All sour candy is acidic. The acid can damage your teeth, cause enamel to erode and make them more prone to chipped teeth, broken teeth and cavities. Again, it’s best to rinse, floss or brush right after eating sour candy to avoid dental problems down the road.

Looking for some alternatives? We actually recommend sticking to chocolate (in moderation of course), sugar free candy and candy with nuts. Some say that dark chocolate contains antioxidants that can help with the effects of tooth decay, while nuts can break up the sugary consistency. But whatever you choose, be sure to brush and floss after.

Enjoy your holiday and have a eggcellent Easter!